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Diode Laser Hair Removal?
The Diode Laser Hair Removal method, which is preferred in order to minimize unwanted hair, has longer beams than other laser methods. This is why it produces effective results, even in dark people. The wavelength of the diode laser is 820 nm. This laser length has the capacity to impact deeper than other laser lengths. Deep penetration into the skin is very effective, especially for fine wispy hairs. Due to its long wavelength, it is also suitable for dark skinned people who have difficulty with laser impact.
The second most used system in the world, the diode laser hair removal is suitable for both dark and light skinned people. The diode quickly detects light-skinned fine hairs that Alexandrite laser epilation cannot see. Therefore, it is more preferred in some areas. The Alexandrite laser epilation device is preferred for dark hair.
Contact us at any time to get detailed information about the types of laser hair removal.
How is Diode Laser Hair Removal done?
One of the biggest advantages of the application is that it can be easily applied to the whole body. Regardless of your skin color, the diode is readily applicable to your entire body. Laser hair removal is generally applied to the following parts of the body:
- Face and arms
- Underarm area
- Genital area
- Legs
The stages of laser hair removal can be listed as follows:
- The Laser beam is sent from the device used under expert control.
- The beam is descended to the roots of unwanted hair.
- The laser beams penetrate the follicles in the hair root. After being exposed to excessive heat, the hairs lose vitality. Over time, hair growth ends completely.
- The relevant area must be absolutely clean before the epilation process is stared.
- The areas to be scanned are determined and the gel is applied. The area is subsequently quickly scanned with the help of a laser.
- During the procedure, many beams are fired in a short time. 15 days after the procedure, the clearest effects of the procedure can be seen.
- Approximately 30% of unwanted hair is eliminated at the end of the first session. This number increases slightly with each session.

Diode Laser Hair Removal
Who Is Suitable For Diode Laser Hair Removal?
Laser type epilation is not harmful. The procedure only destroys hair follicles and prevents their regrowth. It is suitable for all skin types and all ages. Laser hair removal, which is a safe method, is not suitable in some special cases. We can list these cases as follows:
- Women who are pregnant or suspected of pregnancy,
- People undergoing fertility treatment,
- Those whose bristles are white or yellow,
- Those with soft or barely visible hair,
- People with hormonal disorders.
Which Areas are suitable for Diode Laser Epilation?
Laser epilation types can be applied to every part of the body. Diode laser hair removal is generally applied to the following body parts:
- Face and ears
- Back of the Neck and shoulders
- Neck and arms
- Underarms and genital area
- Legs and hips
- Belly and waist
- Shoulders and bikini line
The duration of the procedure varies according to the application area.
What Diode Laser Hair Removal Methods are available?
Diode laser hair removal, which differs according to the area it is applied, generally includes the following methods:
- Face Laser Epilation
The most critical laser epilation area is the face. Some situations warrant special attention. The cause of facial hair growth is usually related to hormones. In hormonal hair growth, the ailment should be detected first. Hormone therapy should be started simultaneously with epilation application. Care should be taken in this area when choosing the laser type. Even if the skin color is light, the use of Alexandrite laser should be avoided. The iode laser is the most suitable laser method for the facial area.
- Back Laser Hair Removal
The problem of excessive hair growth can be seen in the back of men in particular. Ingrowing hair is often encountered in cases with excessive hair growth. Ingrowing hair is a harbinger of a painful as well as uncomfortable process. The hair in the back is easily removed with laser epilation. Dorsal hair is deep rooted and thick by nature. Therefore, the laser to be selected must also penetrate deeply. The diode laser is the most effective method for dorsal epilation with its deep penetration capacity.
- Chest Laser Hair Removal
The thoracic region has similar features to the dorsal area. Dense hair growth is seen in this area, especially in males. Laser is preferred for thinning the hair. The most preferred laser epilation device for this area is the diode laser.
- Arm Laser Hair Removal
Both women and men prefer the laser for treating the arm area. The structure of arm hairs differs from person to person. Diode laser is generally preferred in the arm and shoulder area. The laser process applied to the arm area takes approximately 10 sessions.
- Upper Lip Laser Hair Removal
The hairs that bother women the most are the hairs in the upper lip area. Diode is generally preferred to eliminate hairiness in the upper lip area. The application in this area takes about 10 sessions.
- Chin Laser Hair Removal
Hair growth in the chin area is based on hormonal problems. The leading cause of this problem is a polycystic ovary. Therefore, the person must first receive hormone therapy. Diode is often preferred in case of widespread hairiness on the chin. A 10-session laser epilation treatment should be applied.
- Back of the Neck Laser Epilation
Hair growth from the back of the neck to the back is not desired by men for both cosmetic and cleaning reasons. Hair growth can also be seen in women in this area. Diode laser takes first place in treating hair growth in this area.
- Facial hair epilation
Fuzzy cheeks are not preferred by contemporary men either. Men want to have a straight beard with clean lines. Therefore, they get help from laser epilation. Laser epilation applied on the beard area takes 10 sessions.
- Neck Laser epilation
Men shave their necks. Acne and ingrown hair is very common in this area. Ingrown hair and pimples bleed during shaving. People who want to get rid of this problem can overcome it in a short time with the diode laser method.
What Should Be taken into Consideration After Diode Laser Hair Removal?
If it is necessary to go out in the sun after the procedure, sunscreen with a factor of 30 should be used. The epilated area shall be moistened at regular intervals after the procedure. The epilation area should not be shaved for at least 48 hours.
Diode Laser Epilation Centers
Diode laser epilation penetrates deeply into the hair follicles and shows its effect very quickly.
What are the Benefits of Laser Hair Removal?
Laser hair removal types have permanent effects. The treatment produces permanent solutions by acting on the pigments in the hair root.
Is Laser Hair Removal available for Men?
Contemporary laser hair removal methods are quite advanced. Men also benefit from these methods in addition to women. Men mostly have laser procedures for
- Nape of the neck and beard,
- Beard and chest,
- The back and shoulders.
Comments of those who have had Diode Laser Hair Removal
People who are thinking about having laser hair removal give a lot of importance to comments. The comments about diode laser hair removal indicate that the procedure is named after the device that is used. Furthermore, the device has a much more comprehensive usage area than other hair removal devices. This device penetrates down to the root of the hair easily.
Diode Laser Hair Removal Prices 2024
Diode laser hair removal prices vary according to the hair structure in addition to the weight of the person.
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